Before beginning this wellness massage, there is an opportunity to share your expectations of the massage and your concerns. You may be carrying an issue, or you may want to give more attention to an area of your body, or you may simply want to treat yourself to a special, soothing and relaxing massage experience. You are welcome to shower before the massage if you wish.
I work like in the Hawaiian massage on the warmed massage table with lots of warm oil.
I massage the whole body, but sometimes we focus on certain areas of your body. Because maybe your hands, feet, head, shoulders, back or legs need special attention.
It is a massage whose course I do not know myself.
My intuitive full body massage arises in the moment and is unique.
I work with fingers, hands, elbows or forearms. I may incorporate elements from Lomi Lomi massage, classical massage work, fascia massage and joint mobilisation.
I massage dynamically or calmly or both. I massage powerfully or gently. Or both. And sometimes I am completely still and let my hands linger, listening or holding.
I enjoy playing with my individual possibilities as a masseur in Lomi Wai and want this wellness massage to be a very special experience for you.
During the massage you are undressed. However, your intimate area will always be covered by a cloth and will not be touched. On request, we will of course provide disposable briefs. Our massage room is very well heated.
Appropriate music plays an important role in my relaxing, deep massage. I experience time and again how the harmony of touch, massage and music has a special effect on my guests. Let's discuss which music is right for you. Or do you prefer silence? Feel welcome with your wishes.
At the end of the massage, I have prepared warmed, soaked towels with which to absorb the oil on your body and extremities. Afterwards, you will have plenty of time to feel the oil, shower and have a final talk.