
My massages

Lomi Lomi Massage

Warm oil, flowing, endless touches over the whole body, bedded on a comfortable, warmed massage table, accompanied by music or complete silence, I offer you a soothing, relaxing massage experience into which I will accompany you with my full presence and attention.

Intuitive massage

Different qualities of touch with or without oil, resting hands, joint mobilisation or deep fascia work. All these can be the components of an intuitive massage in Lomi Wai. I let myself be guided by the script of your body and by what you gave me as themes at the beginning of the massage.

My Lomi Lomi Massage at the Lomi Wai in Stuttgart

What can you expect during a Lomi Lomi massage at Lomi Wai?

I work on the warmed massage table with different warm biological oils according to your wishes.

You experience long, endless, rhythmic strokes over the whole body, which I perform with the fingers, the hands and the soft, inner part of the forearm.

But also individual body regions such as the head, face, shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs and feet are intensively included and massaged.

The dynamics and depth of touch are variable in Lomi Lomi. Stretching, joint work and deep fascia massage can also be included.

Your massage is usually accompanied by music, preferably Hawaiian music. But a massage in complete silence also has charm. Let us find out what suits you best.

Lomi Lomi Massage at the Lomi Wai in Stuttgart - Origin of the Lomi

It is no wonder that Lomi Lomi originated on the Hawaiian islands. Surrounded by the endless Pacific Ocean, shaped by a life in harmony and with the rhythms and elemental forces of nature, the flowing, the carrying, the enveloping, the protective and also the powerful nature of this massage is understandable and it seems logical that this way of massaging and touching has shown itself to the people of Hawaii in particular.

In its origin, the Lomi massage is a healing work of the Hawaiian families. However, it was also practised as a ritual of passage on various occasions and in sacred places.

Hawaiian families often had their own style, which they passed on from generation to generation. This explains why the Lomi Lomi massage is performed very differently. (We Swabians know this principle of diversity well from our countless Maultaschen variations. 🙂 On the Hawaiian islands and occasionally also on the mainland, there is even a Lomi variation that is performed with sticks and feet.

In this country, Hawaiian massage is mainly done with fingers, hands and forearms. And this is also my way of giving the massage.

Hawaiian massage at the Lomi Wai in Stuttgart - Procedure

Before the Lomi Lomi begins, there is an opportunity to share your expectations of the massage and your concerns. Perhaps you carry an issue with you, or you want to give more attention to an area of your body, or you simply want to gift yourself with a special, soothing and relaxing massage experience.

You are very welcome to have a massage shower before the massage. I work on the warmed massage table with lots of warm oil, long, rhythmic, endless strokes over the whole body using the fingers, the hands and the soft, inner part of the forearm. Your head, hands and feet are also intensively involved. The dynamics as well as the depth of the touches are variable in our massage. Stretching, joint work and deep fascia massage can also be included.

This full body massage always develops anew, depending on what we have discussed together in the run-up to the massage. Intuitively, I follow the script that your body and your being give me.

During the massage you are undressed. However, your intimate area will always be covered by a cloth and will not be touched. If you wish, I will of course provide disposable briefs. My massage room is very well heated.

During the massage you will be accompanied by light Hawaiian music, which has a very calm and pleasant rhythm and suitably complements the massage with me at Lomi Wai. Or do you love a completely different kind of background music, the sound of a Hawaiian beach or pure silence?

At the end of the Lomi Lomi I will stroke your arms, legs and back with warm soaked towels. Afterwards, you will have plenty of time for a touch-up, a shower and a final talk.

The intuitive massage at Lomi Wai in Stuttgart

What is an intuitive massage in Lomi Wai?

I work on the warmed massage table with different biological oils according to your wishes. The intuitive massage is a full body massage, the course of which I do not know myself before the massage begins. I create the massage in the moment and let myself be intuitively guided by my perceptions.

I work with fingers, hands, elbows or forearms. I may mobilise joints or incorporate elements from Lomi Lomi, classical massage work or fascia massage.

I massage calmly or dynamically or both. I massage gently or powerfully or both. And sometimes I am very still and let my hands linger listening or holding.

Your body is the script and guides me, as well as what you gave me as themes or focuses at the beginning of the massage.

Your massage could be accompanied by a wide range of different musical styles. But it is also a rewarding experience to receive this wellness massage in complete silence. Let's find out what feels right for you.

Intuitive massage at Lomi Wai in Stuttgart - procedure

Before beginning this wellness massage, there is an opportunity to share your expectations of the massage and your concerns. You may be carrying an issue, or you may want to give more attention to an area of your body, or you may simply want to treat yourself to a special, soothing and relaxing massage experience. You are welcome to shower before the massage if you wish.

I work like in the Hawaiian massage on the warmed massage table with lots of warm oil.
I massage the whole body, but sometimes we focus on certain areas of your body. Because maybe your hands, feet, head, shoulders, back or legs need special attention.

It is a massage whose course I do not know myself.
My intuitive full body massage arises in the moment and is unique.

I work with fingers, hands, elbows or forearms. I may incorporate elements from Lomi Lomi massage, classical massage work, fascia massage and joint mobilisation.

I massage dynamically or calmly or both. I massage powerfully or gently. Or both. And sometimes I am completely still and let my hands linger, listening or holding.

I enjoy playing with my individual possibilities as a masseur in Lomi Wai and want this wellness massage to be a very special experience for you.

During the massage you are undressed. However, your intimate area will always be covered by a cloth and will not be touched. On request, we will of course provide disposable briefs. Our massage room is very well heated.

Appropriate music plays an important role in my relaxing, deep massage. I experience time and again how the harmony of touch, massage and music has a special effect on my guests. Let's discuss which music is right for you. Or do you prefer silence? Feel welcome with your wishes.

At the end of the massage, I have prepared warmed, soaked towels with which to absorb the oil on your body and extremities. Afterwards, you will have plenty of time to feel the oil, shower and have a final talk.
